Sunday, May 15, 2011

I knew it. God won't take me 'til all my fabric is gone

If you are a seamstress, you will know exactly what I am talking about and if you are not, well, I'm sure there is something that you can't resist and it seems to show up in your house when you least expect it.  For some of you it is tea cups, others vintage pyrex, but for those of us that sew, it's fabric.  We will buy it because of color, feel, or just because it was a "good" deal.  We have cabinets, drawers, and boxes with our favorites that we bought knowing that someday it would make the perfect (fill in your desire here).  I am no different than any of you.  I've got my personal fabric stash, for the stuff I am going to make for me, my fabric stash for the family, my fabric stash for the house, my fabric stash for friends, and my fabric stash for the business.  All well cataloged and organized.  But if I was really honest with myself I probably will never run out of the fabric that I have and yet I still run into fabric that I absolutely must have.  The standing joke is, God wont take me until all my fabric is gone.  Imagine my surprise when sitting in church this morning I realized that at least for one dear soul that was absolutely true.

Our Pastor is going through a study on the book of Acts and today he preached out of the 9th chapter versus 23-42.  It was amazing to hear of God's hope for us and how he exhibited it through his mercy for Paul.  Even though he did terrible things he was changed by God to do mighty works in his kingdom.  Hope for the terrified in that the desciples were afraid of Paul because he had killed Stephen, and that fear was born out of lack of faith, but they had Jesus as their savior.  Hope for the terminal where it speaks of Aeneas being healed even though he was bed ridden.  And lastly hope for the terminated in that Tabitha (Dorcas) had died, but becuase of the great faith of the people she ministered to, they went to Peter who returned with them and because they loved her so much Peter restored her life, 

So you are probably wondering what my fabric stash has to do with the sermon.  Well, in Acts 9:39 the widows of the congregation came to Peter when he arrived with dresses and other things that Tabitha had made for them and praising her beautiful work.  I bet, Peter knew she still had fabric in her stash that needed tending to and that's why he restored her life. :)

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