Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Another Contest In The Books

Do you ever get to the end of a weekend and wonder where it went.  That's how I feel about this past weekend.  It seemed like it was a few days short.  I'm still wondering how a three day weekend can feel so short.  But, I did get a lot done.  I found a serger sewing machine at a garage sale for my sister.  She met me there, bought it, and I took it home and spent an afternoon getting it ready for her to use.  She got a great deal on a good little machine.  She is as they say, "happy as a June bug."  She can now start on some projects for stuff around the house.

As for me.....I did get the shirt done and entered into the contest.  Here it is

It was so strange to make this shirt.  I bought the fabric when the young man, my son, was in Jr. High.  I didn't get around to making it until now.  The shirt was just as I had always imagined, it was just a lot larger than I ever expected.  I don't know why they have to grow up.  It's times like these that make me realize that I am getting older.  Yuck!!!!

Part of my weekend I was spent finishing tracing the pattern for the Gone With The Wind dress.  It's not that it has been forgotten, it's just been put on hold so I can enter a contest now and again.  I've got one more contest project that must be completed before the end of June but I think I'll be splitting time between the two projects because I am really curious about some of the things on the dress. 

As for the rest of my life, God has been so gracious.  My brother and sister-in-laws daughter that the doctors had given up hope on is showing some pretty substantial signs of improvement and they are going to start some physical therapy.  While her life is still in a fragile state it's a huge improvement from a 5% chance to live.

Dad and I went to a new dentist today that was out of town and had a consultation on getting his necessary dental work done and by traveling about an hour away he will save almost $15,000 for the same repairs.  And, I got a nice drive and lunch with him out of the deal.  He was tickled pink and felt that he had truly been blessed.

While I profess that sewing is my life, let's face it, like most of us that sew, God, family and friends are our life, sewing is our sanity and it's things like Meg and Dad;s blessing that make our hearts leap.  So here's to all our leaping hearts as spring has sprung!

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